Pueblo Community Health Center

Pueblo Community Health Center

Business Lending
Pueblo Community Health Center (PCHC) is a nonprofit healthcare organization providing primary medical, dental, and behavioral health care for Pueblo residents. CHFA awarded $15 million in New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) to support the construction of PCHC’s new, 64,000 square-foot facility that will be built in Pueblo’s Eastside neighborhood. This expansion will house PCHC’s services and include a pharmacy and laboratory. It will also serve to catalyze the revitalization of Pueblo’s Eastside neighborhood, which has faced economic decline and high vacancy rates.

“PCHC’s successful New Market Tax Credit transaction validated what its Board of Directors learned and approved in its strategic plan: a substantial need for a quality health care facility for people living in the east Pueblo neighborhood,” said Donald Moore, CEO of PCHC. “In addition to ensuring access to primary care for decades to come, the tax credit financing also enables PCHC to realize its vision of building a “Net Zero” designed building. The facility will produce more energy than it consumes thereby lowering Pueblo’s greenhouse gas footprint. We are thrilled CHFA was attracted to our project and helped PCHC gain access to NMTC.”

The project is anticipated to create 225 full-time construction jobs and create or retain a total of 101 permanent full-time jobs at the health center.

Pueblo Community Health Center (PCHC) conceptual rendering courtesy of RTA Architects
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