CHFA serves as the Contract Administrator (CA) in Colorado for HUD’s Section 8 project based rental assistance portfolio. In that capacity CHFA performs a variety of functions, including conducting a Management and Occupancy Review (MOR) of your property.

When your property is selected for an MOR you will be notified in writing as HUD approves each quarter’s MOR Workplan. The purpose of the MOR is to ensure your property and tenant files are compliant with HUD’s Section 8 program regulations, and therefore we want to provide the following information to assist you: Please refer to Section 8 compliance for an overview of the functions CHFA performs as the CA.

Management and Occupancy Review (MOR)

CHFA follows the HUD-9834 to conduct the MOR.  It is recommended that you become familiar with the form in its entirety, including its Addendum A (Tenant File Checklist) and Addendum C (Required Documents List). Please note that during a MOR, CHFA will not be reviewing the financial sections of the HUD-9834 nor the Addendum B. To access a copy of the HUD-9834, click here.
All properties with a Section 8 HAP contract are required to use HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification System (EIV) and comply with the rules that HUD has set forth for its use. HUD’s EIV handbook can be located here. To learn more about EIV, chfareach training is available (see training information below).
Since the HUD-9834 had not been amended since the new VAWA notice was issued, CHFA will continue to review the requirements as listed in the current 9834, as well as the new provisions outlined in Notice H2017-05. The VAWA notice, new forms and emergency transfer plan along with HUD training videos can be found here.
Please be aware that during an MOR, CHFA will be inspecting any vacant units that are ready for occupancy and a general inspection of the property and common areas. If any Exigent Health and Safety items have been reported in your last REAC, your CHFA MOR Specialist will confirm that those items have been corrected.
If you are interested in viewing CHFA’s Preparing for an MOR training or EIV webinars, both are available (without cost) through our chfareach program. Please click here for registration information or feel free to contact Belinda Waldron for more information.

While the above information is a brief summary, we encourage you to visit HUD’s website for more details at We hope that this information will help you feel best prepared for your property’s review.

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