chfareach: Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Certified Renovator Workshop, Denver

February 6, 2025 7:50am - 4:00pm MT

In-person, Denver

Location: Better Certify, 1775 West 55th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80221

Sign in: 7:50am MT

Class: 8:00am to 4:00pm MT

The “Renovation, Repair, and Painting Certified Renovator” (RRP) designation addresses EPA lead-based paint regulations that govern  renovations in pre-1978 structures and/or child-occupied facilities. 

The objective of the eight-hour EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Initial Certified Renovator course is to prepare, train, and certify contractors in EPA lead safe work practices in order to comply with the EPA’s RRP rule and HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rule during the course of their renovation, repair, or painting activities.

Hands-on exercises involving containment set-up, lead-based paint sampling, and containment clean-up are incorporated into the training to familiarize the student with the practical aspects of RRP Certified Renovator activities.

Learning objectives of this course address:

concerns about lead-based paint and its health effects;

  • EPA and HUD regulations;
  • priorities before beginning work;
  • containing lead dust during work;
  • lead-safe work practices to be used during work;
  • cleaning activities and checking your work;
  • recordkeeping; and
  • training non-certified renovation workers.

Participants in this course will receive RRP certification, which is valid for five years.

Space is limited. Chfareach registration will close when capacity is reached or at the close of business on Friday, January 31, to allow time for coordination with the class host, Better Certify.

Cost: $310 member; $335 nonmember

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