​CHFA revolving loan funds are provided in partnership with state agencies to help finance two types of complicated projects: environmental clean-up at a redevelopment site, and the historic preservation of Colorado buildings. ​

Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund

Brownfields are idled, abandoned, or under-utilized properties where redevelopment may be complicated by the presence, or perceived presence, of contamination.

The Colorado Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund is a cooperative partnership among state and local governments established to finance approved cleanup activities for brownfield sites.

  • Flexible financing
  • Reduced interest rates 
  • Statewide availability

Applying for a Loan

Historic Revolving Loan Fund

The Colorado Historical Foundation (CHF) created the CHF Revolving Loan Fund (Loan Fund) to leverage resources available for preservation of Colorado’s historic buildings.

The Loan Fund partners with the State Historical Fund to provide low interest rate loans as an additional source of funding for historic preservation.


  • Fixed rate loans to fund eligible restoration and rehabilitation costs
  • Loans can supplement State Historic Fund grants and other historic preservation projects
  • Independent source of external financing
  • Flexible terms and collateral 

Get Started

Contact Cathy Stroh at Colorado Historical Foundation​ to request a loan application and find out more. 303.894.2503

Contact Us

Contact the CHFA Community Development Lending Team to learn how we can partner with your organization.