​As your resource, we have provided manuals, program forms, and online tools to help you stay on top of compliance regulations.

New in 2024: Annual Owner Certifications (AOCs) are accessible only through Insight and require electronic Owner signature and submission. AOCs are due by February 15, 2024. View the Insight User Guide – Multifamily Customers (PDF) to learn more. CHFA is sharing information on this new process via the CHFA Multifamily Program Compliance eNews.

Multifamily ​Program Compliance Manual

This compliance manual answers questions regarding procedures, rules, and regulation​s with CHFA multifamily programs.​​

Utility Allowance Policy​​​ for Housing Tax Credit and Multifamily Loan Developments

Specialized Multifamily Loan Programs

CHFA's specialized multifamily loan programs include: Small-scale Permanent Loans, Middle Income Loans, and Preservation Fund Loans. These programs have unique compliance requirements addressed in the documents below.

Looking for multifamily loan compliance forms?

Access the forms you need for management compliance reviews.

NextGen  thumbnail


NextGen is a web-based application used to collect tenant occupancy and demographic data for properties with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC or Housing Tax Credits) or CHFA Multifamily Loans.

NextGen is here for you to enter your required tenant certifications.


​We also have a resources page that includes program updates and policies.

Contact Asset Management

CHFA Multifamily Loan Compliance​ is ready to answer your property compliance questions.